Murphy Warner

Computer Science | Software Engineer

Profile picture


Nice to meet you!

"I'm a Junior undergraduate at the University of Minnesota and will receive my Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science at the College of Science & Engineering. Alongside, I will be minoring in Management at the Carlson School of Management. I love to code to solve problems and I believe in using technology to solve the worlds challenges."


I am currently looking for a full time software developer internship preferably in the Twin Cities area. Please contact me if you feel I could help your organization:

  • Name: Murphy Warner
  • Graduation Year: Spring 2023
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Minor: Management
  • Email:


Adobe Cloud
Microsoft Suite


Work Experiences

Pro-Shop Retail

May 2019 - Present

Ridges at Sand Creek

  • Assisted customers with any of their golf-related needs including sales, golf assistance, and general knowledge of the golf course and surroundings, helped team adapt course policies to enable safe operations during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Created and managed schedules for the Golf-Pros. Produced and edited daily tee sheets for patrons. Supported cooperate and private golf outings

Youth Golf Instructor

May 2017 - Present

Ridges at Sand Creek & New Prague Golf Club

  • Designed and implemented a structured program for golfers under the age of 12 to develop the next generation of golfers
  • Taught skills, fundamentals, and values that the game provides to youth

Snow Contracter

May 2017 - Present

Roughrider Contracting

  • Removed snow and followed workers' safety protocols during and after snowstorms at the Amazon Plant in Shakopee, MN, and surrounding contracted locations
  • Operated light-heavy machinery and collaborated with a team of shovelers to efficiently relocate snow. Seasonal Winter Job

Education and Clubs

Bachelor of Science

Sept 2019 - May 2023

University of Minnesota

  • GPA: 3.512
  • CSE Dean's List Spring 2020

High School Degree

Sept 2015 - May 2019

New Prague High School

  • Graduated with High Honors
  • Top 10% GPA of class of 2023

Webmaster Officer

Feb 2017 – Jun 2019

New Prague High School Honors Society

  • Managed the organization's website and all technology services for the 108 members.
  • Increased civic service within the organization from 30 hours a semester to 45
  • Conducted meetings to plan events and fundraisers throughout the school and community.


Mar 2015 – Jun 2019

New Prague Boys Golf

  • Doubled the student-athlete population within the high school golf program.
  • Conducted meetings to increase funding and fundraising within the sport
  • Transitioned team to a new class and received the highest placement in school history


Check out some of my work!


Email Me

Let me know how I can help you!